Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Britain's Got Old People.

I'm usually not a fan of TV talent competitions, although I confess to watching the X Factor for three consecutive years. I'm also getting slowly caught up in the spell cast by Simon "shit-haircut-and-pussy-chest" Cowell that is Britain's Got Talent. It's shameful, but it doesn't matter too much because of who I am and what I'm part of.

Tonight's semi-final saw this old, head-nodding, cheesy, winking throwback woman called Jean. Jean plays a "rock 'n' roll" piano, taps her feet to her out of time playing, and smiles... She got through.......

Jean, in all her glittery, winky, false glory.

What is Win Finger?

Group of exceptionally talented, young and attractive individuals setting out to maintain the high standards of the infamous Win Finger fellowship. Fortnightly podcasts featuring the silky tones of the five surviving members of the collective, combined with intermittently posted instances of extreme Win will make for a rollercoaster ride of a blog! Stay tuned...